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Insurance Policy Number: ix-8-2417
Coverage Period:
072316 through 1138216:01 a.m. standard time at the addresses of the
named insureds and at the addresses of their
dependent individuals or household members. Date Issued: May 26, 2016Endorsement Effective: 113716SEAN JOHNSON
DANVILLE AR 717484723
email address: Patricia× 509090San Diego, CA030212016
Coverage Period:
090316 through 132616:01 a.m. standard time at the addresses
of the named insureds and at the address(s) of the
addressee(s) to whom the named insured shall be
obligated by law or any mutual or other form of
coverage; and at the addresses of the dependent
inhabitants to whom the named insured(s) shall be
obligate by law or any mutual or other form of
coverage. Date Issued: May 26, 2016Endorsement Effective:132616JOHNNY McBain
SAN JOSE CA 9513850221400
Coverage Period:
103816 through 142316:01 a.m. standard time at the addresses of
the named insured(s) and at the address(s) of the
addressee(s) to whom the named insured(s) shall be
obligate by law or any mutual or other form of
coverage. Date Issued: May 26, 2016Endorsement Effective:103816SHARYL LINDSAY
BURLINGTON CA 940132527076
Coverage Period:
155316 through 160616:01 a.m.
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Purchased: 6/18/2007
I, (name/ address), agree to the terms and conditions of this policy for GEICO. (signature)
This is a form of coverage issued on the policy by GEICO. If I purchase a new GEICO policy in the next thirty days after being issued a GEICO policy, I will have the opportunity to continue to have GEICO cover this new GEICO policy until my old GEICO policy expires. I understand that my health benefits under this general liability insurance can include (I can choose): medical expenses such as medical records or prescriptions, and hospitalization; out-of-pocket medical expenses such as medical bills, copay or deductible, and co-pays; claims involving the use of GEICO vehicles, such as personal injury and property damage; and claims involving a GEICO business, such as car insurance, for any injuries or damage caused by the business. Box 509090
San Diego, CA 921509090 Insurance Company Name
GEICO Insurance Co. P.O. Box 509090
San Diego, CA 921509090 Company Name
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 509090
San Diego, CA 921509090 Address of Insurance Agency
1060 J ST NW
Washington, D.C. 20005 Coverage Period Coverage/Purchasing Type Health Plan Policy Name of Policy Type of Car Health/Personal Accident Insurance GEICO Home/Personal Accident Insurance GEICO Business General Liability Plan
“This policy is the GEICO policy that is in effect, and you have entered it into the GEICO policy record.” Your policy was purchased on 6/18/2007 when a policy ID # #270116 was issued.