Did you get a speeding ticket and asked to show proof of insurance? Maybe you didn’t have the card to show the police officer, but chances are the insurance information was on your smartphone. If you did not have insurance, you should consult an attorney. Call Bigger & Harman for legal advice.
Did you get a speeding ticket and have to show your proof of insurance? Chances are you have the insurance information on your smartphone, but you did not have the physical card or policy to show the police officer. California allows drivers to use their smartphones to provide electronic proof of insurance without carrying around paper documents. But, if you do not have insurance, you should consult a traffic ticket attorney.
With the passing of A-sembly Bill 1708, California becomes the 7th state to allow motorists to show proof of insurance via their phone or other electronic device. This is an important convenience because sometimes when you get pulled over, you do not have the documents you should, or you cannot find those documents readily. Now, all you need is your phone. Insurance companies allow the insured to access a digital copy of their card from a mobile app. Otherwise, you may need to go to the actual website to download the information.
CA Vehicle Code (CVC) 16028, Financial Responsibility stipulates a driver must provide proof of insurance or financial responsibility that is in effect when an accident investigator or peace officer requests it. And further, “The evidence of financial responsibility may be provided using a mobile electronic device.”However, the police officer is not allowed to view anything else on the phone and is not responsible for any lost data or accidental damage.
When you get a speeding ticket, you can get into more trouble than just that ticket. If you get pulled over, the officer will ask for your license, registration, and proof of insurance. If you cannot find or do not have insurance, you are subject to another ticket. So, you must stay within posted speed limits and make sure you have your insurance documents either in the car or on your phone.
Law enforcement in CA uses Radar, Lidar, and pacing to determine your speed on CA roadways. It is important to note that a police officer cannot pull you over just to check to see if you have insurance. Staying within the speed limit will eliminate the headaches and financial difficulties that come along with a speeding ticket and another ticket for no proof of insurance.