Several banks, including DCB Bank, Punjab & Sindh Bank, and AU Small Finance Bank, have revised their fixed deposit (FD) interest rates for amounts below Rs 3 crore in March

Looking for high FD returns? These banks are offering up to 8.5% interest on fixed deposits The highest interest rates offered reach up to 8.00% for general citizens and 8.50% for senior citizens across varying tenures

Several banks, including DCB Bank, Punjab & Sindh Bank, and AU Small Finance Bank, in March have revised their interest rates for fixed deposits (FDs) interest rates in March. Below is an overview overview of the latest FD interest rates available on for fixed deposits below under Rs 3 crore, from banks offering that provide competitive returns across various tenures.

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DCB Bank's FD interest rates

Following the revision, DCB Bank now offers interest rates between 3.75% and 8% on FD amounts less than Rs 3 crore for general citizens for tenures ranging from 7 days to 10 years. For senior citizens, the bank offers interest rates between 4.25% and 8.50%. The highest FD interest rate of 8% and 8.5% (senior citizens) is offered on a tenure of 15 months to less than 16 months. The new rates are applicable effective from March 5, 2025.

Also read: 8 things that will end on March 31, 2025: Income tax deadline, SBI credit card changes to Mahila Samman investment and more

TenureDeposit Interest RateRate for Senior Citizens (% p.a.)(% p.a.)Single Deposit of less than ₹ 3 Crore7 days to 45 days3.75% 4.25%46 days to 90 days4.00% 4.50%91 days to less than 6 months4.75%5.25%6 months to less than 10 months6.20%6.70%10 months to less than 12 months7.05%7.55%12 months7.10%7.60%More than 12 months to 12 month 10 days7.50%8.00%12 months 11 days to less than 15 months7.15%7.65%15 months to less than 16 months8.00%8.50%16 months to 17 months7.15%7.65%17 months 1 days to 18 months 5 days7.10%7.60%18 months 6 days to less than 700 days7.40%7.90%700 days to less than 37 months7.50%8.00%37 months to 38 months7.85%8.35%More than 38 months to less than 61 months7.40%7.90%61 months7.65%8.15%More than 61 months to 120 months7.25%7.75%

Punjab & Sindh FD interest rates
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Following the revision, Punjab & Sindh Bank now offers interest rates between 4% and 7.45% on callable FD amounts less than Rs 3 crore for general citizens for tenures ranging from 7 days to 10 years. For senior citizens, the bank offers interest rates between 4% to and 7.95%. The highest interest rate of 7.45% and 7.95% (senior citizens) is offered on tenure of 555 days.

FD interest rate up to 8.05%: Deadline of 6 banks’ special fixed deposit ends on March 31, 2025

The new rates are applicable from March 15, 2025.
According to the bank website, "Senior Citizens citizens shall be given the benefit of additional interest of 0.50% on term deposits of less than Rs. 3 crore,, over and above the mentioned rates for the maturity of 180 days & and above on fresh as well as on renewal of term deposits,".

Revised w.e.f. 15/03/2025 (% p.a.)MaturityFixed Deposit Less than Rs.3 Cr7 - 14 Days4.00(#)15 - 30 Days431 - 45 Days4.2546 - 90 Days4.591 - 120 Days4.5121-150 Days4.75151 - 179 Days6180 – 269 Days5.25270 – 332 Days5.5333 Days7.20($)334-5.51 Year6.3>1 Years - 443 Days6444 Days7.30($)445 Days - 554 Days6555 days ( Callable)7.45($)555 days ( Non - Callable)*7.50($)556 Days - 622 Months (PSB Green Earth)7.00*>22 Months-62 Years - 776 Days6.3777 Days7.25($)778 Days -998 Days6.3999 Days ( Callable)6.65($)999 Days (Non-Callable)*7.40($)1000 Days - 6.33 Years -644 Months (PSB Green Earth)6.75*>44 Months - 5 years65 Y6.566 Months (PSB Green Earth)6.45*>5Y - 6.2566 Month (PSB Green Earth)6.45*> 66 Month -10Y6.25(#) Minimum amount of term deposit shall be Rs. 1.00 lac
($) Valid for period upto 31.03.2025 only.
(*) As Per Terms & Conditions

AU Small Finance Bank
Following the revision, AU Small Finance Bank now offers interest rates between 3.75% and 8% on FD amounts less than Rs 3 crore for general citizens for tenures ranging from 7 days to 10 years. For senior citizens, the bank offers an interest rates between 4.25% to and 8.05%.
The highest interest rate of 8% and 8.5% (senior citizens) is offered on a tenure of 18 months. .
The new rates are applicable from March 10, 2025.

Tenure BucketInterest Rates7 Days to 1 Month 15 Days3.75%1 Month 16 Days to 3 Months5.50%3 Months 1 Day to 6 Months6.00%6 Months 1 Day to 12 Months7.25%12 Months 1 Day to 15 Months7.85%15 Months 1 Day to less than 18 Months7.50%18 Months8.00%18 Months 1 Day to 24 Months7.75%24 Months 1 Day to 36 Months7.50%36 Months 1 Day to 45 Months7.50%45 Months 1 Day to less than 60 Months7.25%60 Months to 120 Months7.25%
Here's a table comparing the highest fixed deposit (FD) interest rates offered by DCB Bank, Punjab & Sindh Bank, and AU Small Finance Bank:
Bank Highest Interest Rate (General Citizens) Highest Interest Rate (Senior Citizens) Tenure Effective Date
BankHighest Interest Rate (General Citizens)Highest Interest Rate (Senior Citizens)TenureEffective DateDCB Bank8.00%8.50%15 months to 5-Mar-25Punjab & Sindh Bank7.45%7.95%555 days15-Mar-25AU Small Finance Bank8.00%8.50%18 months10-Mar-25
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This story originally appeared on: India Times - Author:Faqs of Insurances