As well as the stress and anxiety, the rigid monotony of that time means our memories of it are hazy

Why are some of us suffering from lockdown amnesia?

For all the tedium, anxiety and misery of the Covid lockdowns, some of us experienced a strange sort of excitement too. Being banned from leaving the house or from seeing loved ones might have been agonising, but we could at least console ourselves with the idea we were living through A Major Event in history. We would tell our grandkids about this time. Movies would be made about it.
And yet, just as the UK’s official Covid inquiry gets under way, and less than 16 months after the last legal restrictions were lifted in this country, lockdowns not only seem to belong to a long gone past; they also appear to be fading, rapidly, from our consciousness. Many of us have only hazy memories of this period, and very little sense of when important events happened during it.
This story originally appeared on: Financial Times - Author:Jemima Kelly