PPF, Mahila Samman Savings Scheme, SSY: Minimum balance requirement of 10 small savings schemes Here is a look at the minimum balance required to invest and maintain the scheme
Investments in small savings schemes offered by post office aid in accumulating funds for emergencies and achieving financial goals. Additionally, most of the schemes offer tax advantages under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of up to Rs. 1.5 lakh. Interest rates on these schemes are revised every quarter by the government.Small Savings schemes cater to different needs of an individual by offering options suiting to the every financial goal of an investor. These small savings schemes are preferred as it is backed by the government and returns are guaranteed.
As these differ in features, tenure, tax benefits, so minimum investment under these schemes also differ. Here is a look at the minimum balance required to invest and maintain the scheme.
Also read: Post Office Schemes latest Interest Rates in India for 2023
Post Office Savings Account
Post office Saving s Account can be opened by singly or two adults only (Joint A or Joint B), a guardian on behalf of minor, a guardian on behalf of person of unsound mind , a minor above 10 years in his own name. The interest rate offered is 4.0% per annum on individual / joint accounts. The minimum amount for opening of account and maximum balance that can be retained is Rs 500.
National Savings Recurring Deposit Account(RD)
Any number of accounts can be opened under a 5-Year Post Office Recurring Deposit Account (RD). The minimum amount for opening of account and maximum balance that can be retained is Rs 100 per month or any amount in multiples of INR 10/-. No maximum limit. The interest rate offered on RD is 6.2% for this quarter ending June 2023.
National Savings Time Deposit Account(TD)
Investors can choose to invest in Post Office Time Deposit Accounts for 1, 2, 3, or 5 years. The time deposit may be continued for an additional year after it matures. Account can be opened with minimum of Rs. 1000 and in multiple of Rs. 100. No maximum limit for investment. T he annual interest may be credited to the savings account of the account holder by submitting application. The investment under 5 year TD qualifies for the benefit of section 80C of Income Tax Act, 1961.
National Savings Monthly Income Account(MIS)
Post Office Monthly Income Scheme Account (MIS) can be opened with minimum of Rs. 1000 and in multiple of Rs. 1000. The maximum investment limit is INR 9 lakh in single account and INR 15 lakh in joint account. Note that limit for account opened on behalf of a minor as guardian shall be separate.
Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Account(SCSS)
Senior citizen who is above the age of 60 can consider investing in SCSS. The annual interest is 8.2 ?%, payable from the date of deposit of 31st March/30th Sept/31st December in the first instance & thereafter, interest shall be payable on 31st March, 30th June, 30th Sept and 31st December. The minimum deposit is set at Rs. 1000 and in multiples of Rs. 1000, with a maximum deposit amount set at Rs. 30 lakh.
Public Provident Fund Account(PPF )
Only one Public Provident Fund Account can be opened all across the country either in Post Office or any Bank. Minimum deposit Rs 500 in a financial year and maximum deposit is Rs. 1.50 lakh in a FY. Deposits can be made in lump-sum or in installments.
Sukanya Samriddhi Account(SSA)
This account can be opened for maximum of two girls in a family. Provided in case of twins/triplets girls birth more than two accounts can be opened. Rate of interest 8.0% Per Annum, calculated on yearly basis ,Yearly compounded. The minimum investment is Rs 250 and maximum Rs 1,50,000 in a financial year. Subsequent deposit in multiple of Rs 50 should be made. Deposits can be made in lump-sum No limit on number of deposits either in a month or in a Financial year
National Savings Certificates (VIIIth Issue) (NSC)
Any number of accounts can be opened under the scheme. For this quarter, 7.7 % compounded annually but payable at maturity will be applicable. The minimum investment of Rs. 1000 and in multiple of Rs. 100 , no maximum limit.
Kisan Vikas Patra
Any number of accounts can be opened under the scheme. The minimum investment of Rs. 1000 and in multiple of Rs. 100 , no maximum limit. The interest rate offered on this scheme for the quarter ending June 30 is 7.5 % compounded annually. Amount invested doubles in 115 months (9 years & 7 months).
Mahila Samman Savings Certificate, 2023
This account can be opened by a woman for herself or by the guardian on behalf of a minor girl. Minimum of rupees one thousand and in multiples of rupees one hundred. Maximum limit of rupees two lakh in an account or all accounts held by an account holder. Mahila Samman Savings deposit is eligible for 7.5 per cent interest per annum.
Post Office SchemesMinimum balancePost Office Savings AccountINR. 500/-National Savings Recurring Deposit AccountINR. 100/-Monthly Income Scheme INR. 1000/-Time Deposit AccountINR. 1000/-Public Provident FundINR. 500/-Sukanya Samriddhi AccountINR. 250/-Senior Citizen Savings SchemeINR. 1000/-National Savings Certificate (VIIIth Issue)INR. 1000/-Kisan Vikas PatraINR. 1000/-
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This story originally appeared on: India Times - Author:Faqs of Insurances