Occupational therapists may provide one practical solution to those struggling with their physical or mental health

Here’s how to stop an ever sicker workforce dropping out

It is often said that you have to understand the root cause of a problem before you try to fix it. I’m not convinced. Take the unexpected trend in the UK of people dropping out of the workforce in recent years — something that hasn’t happened in nearby countries such as France and Germany. It has led to endless debate over what’s gone wrong. It seems to me it has become a sort of Rorschach test, in which people blame the phenomenon on whichever issue they are already cross about: austerity, say, or welfare dependency or wealthy baby boomers. I include myself here, having argued that part of the blame lies with bad-quality jobs.
But you can disagree about the root causes of a problem while still coming up with some sensible, practical ideas that could make it better. Here’s one: occupational therapists, and lots of them.
This story originally appeared on: Financial Times - Author:Sarah O'Connor