Opponents see health as key battleground to argue that the SNP has failed in office

‘Brutal’ conditions in Scotland’s NHS increase pressure on Sturgeon

Sandesh Gulhane dreamt of being a doctor since he was three years old.
But the Glasgow-based GP and shadow health secretary for the Scottish Conservatives now despairs over the “brutal” conditions facing the country’s NHS that has left patients frustrated and fearful over delayed operation and long waiting lists. He says he often encounters colleagues in tears.
“Receptionists are abused 15 to 20 times a day by frustrated patients and they want to leave,” he said. “Patients feel they have nothing to do but rant.” Gulhane said a patient he suspected of having a heart attack in December, when pressures on the health service were nearing their winter peak, stayed home overnight rather than wait at a hospital emergency unit. “I had to send her into hospital [the next day] because she still had chest pains,” he added.
This story originally appeared on: Financial Times - Author:Lukanyo Mnyanda