Mistakes by staff at Immensa clinic resulted in incorrect test results, finds disease protection agency

UK Covid lab errors may have led to more than 20 deaths

Staff errors at a privately run Covid-19 testing laboratory in England’s West Midlands in 2021 meant that 39,000 positive PCR tests were reported as negative, according to the UK Health Security Agency.
Scientists at the disease protection agency estimated that the blunders led to 59,000 infections, around 680 hospitalisations and “just over 20 additional deaths”.
The UKHSA released the findings of its investigation of the lab, operated by Immensa Health Clinic, on Tuesday. It also published a scientific analysis of the likely consequences of people who should have isolated behaving normally because they wrongly believed that they were free of infection.

“UKHSA is committed to being a transparent, learning organisation and this means investigating where things have gone wrong and working out how things can be improved,” said Jenny Harries, the agency’s chief executive.
“I fully accept the findings and recommendations made in this report,” she added. “These ongoing improvements will enhance our ability to spot problems sooner where they do arise.”
This story originally appeared on: Financial Times - Author:Clive Cookson